F fjn523 见习生 注册 2016-11-29 帖子 1 反馈 0 积分 1 2016-11-29 #21 xinli_zhao 发表: 原创扫描: DB33/T1054-2008 无机轻集料保温砂浆及系统技术规程 The technical code for thermal insulating rendering systems based on mortar with mineral binder and using lightweight inorganic as aggregate 浙江省工程建设标准 点击展开... 111111
xinli_zhao 发表: 原创扫描: DB33/T1054-2008 无机轻集料保温砂浆及系统技术规程 The technical code for thermal insulating rendering systems based on mortar with mineral binder and using lightweight inorganic as aggregate 浙江省工程建设标准 点击展开... 111111