The investigation includes two studying subjects. The first subject is to design the mixture of the plastic concrete: percent bentonite, water-cement ratio, the different way of mix, kinds of bentonites. The second subject is property tests of plastic concrete: fresh and harden concrete property tests.
Dry-mix is a new kind of material. It is made up by cement, clear sand, and some kinds of additive. And the raw should be pre-mixed in the manufacture accurately. Using dry-mix in construction or architecture will lead to better quality of work and reduce air pollution. According to our investigation, the air pollution will be reduced about 4.8~9.7%. Hence, we think that using dry-mix in construction will be an efficient way to ameliorate our quality of air in the process of working.
查看附件 464
本研究承中興工程顧問公司委託研究,尤其統偉貿易公司 陳芳鈺經理、台灣大學土木所博士班 李銘智、台灣科技大學土木所博士班 郭志平、中鼎工程公司 倪佩貞主任、潤宏精密工程公司 丘惠生副總經理、台北科技大學 章裕民教授等人之熱心協助,謹此誌謝。
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2. Thomas W. Kahl, Joseph L. Kauschinger, Edward B. Perry, “Plastic Concrete Cutoff Walls for Earth Dams”, US Army Corps of Engineer, March 1991.
3. Filling Materials for Watertight Cut off Wall.
4. 章裕民(1998),建築施工過程污染及廢棄物產生現況與調查架構研究,內政部建研所,台北。
5. 章裕民(2000),都會區營建工程空氣污染之防制與管理,國立台北科技大學,台北。
6. 新技工程顧問有限公司(2004),粒狀污染物管制策略專家學者諮商說明會—會議資料,行政院環保署,台北。