耀阳 论坛协管 管理成员 版主 终身成就徽章 管理组 新人进步徽章 原创先锋徽章 特殊贡献徽章 武林高手 江湖大侠 世外高人 注册 2008-04-05 帖子 8,844 解答 4 反馈 575 积分 11,047 2016-05-14 #2 就这么直接的问,谁会告诉你呢? 自己一点想法都没有?
Gypsum Plaster 研发工程师 武林新丁 武林高手 新人进步徽章 后起之秀 注册 2013-04-29 帖子 77 反馈 84 积分 1,343 2016-05-31 #3 耀阳 发表: 就这么直接的问,谁会告诉你呢? 自己一点想法都没有? 点击展开... Absolutely right. First you need to think what functions you want for the bonding plaster, and then to try try and try. For bonding plaster, you should pay attention to the water retention and setting time.
耀阳 发表: 就这么直接的问,谁会告诉你呢? 自己一点想法都没有? 点击展开... Absolutely right. First you need to think what functions you want for the bonding plaster, and then to try try and try. For bonding plaster, you should pay attention to the water retention and setting time.