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Recent Developments in Dry Mortar Technology in Europe - 欧洲干混砂浆最新发展状况,英文版,时间比较久,内容很全
Recent Developments in Dry Mortar Technology in Europe - 欧洲干混砂浆最新发展状况,英文版,时间比较久,内容很全
Recent Developments in Dry Mortar Technology
in Europe
Prof. Dr. Johann Plank
Chair for Construction Chemicals
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
TU München
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85747 Garching
1. Introduction
Over the last years, the global dry-mix mortar production is increasing very fast and is approaching a volume of 100 mio. to. per year. This growth is mainly generated in countries such as e.g. Eastern Europe, Russia, Dubai and China where conventional, labor-intensive building...