Synthesis of (crosslinkable) polymeric surfactant and study of kinetics of emulsion polymerization of using it as surfactant Liujin(Polymer Chemistry and Physics) Directed by Prof.X iaobinD ING Int h is d i ssertation,an a lkali-solublera ndomt erpolymer(P MMA/EA/MAA)w as synthesized by soap-free emulsion polymerization. The efects of terpolymer concentration, the amount of MAA and DDM and the value of pH on surface activity ofth ete rpolymerso lutionw erein vestigated.IF ,D SCa ndG PCw ereu sedto a nalyze the structure of the alkali-soluble random terpolymer.
Alk al i-so luble random terpolymerw asu sed asa polymeric surfactanti nemulsionp olymerizationo fac rylate.T hela texw as studiedb yt ransmissione lectron micrographa ndl aserli ghtsc attering,th er esultsin dicateth atth em orphologyo fth e latex particles was core/shell and the size of the latex was about 40-80mn. And the reaction mechanism of the emulsion polymerization with alkali-soluble random 1s. he terpolymerus eda sp olymericsu rfactantw aspu tfo rwardw ithth ee xperimentre su The kinetics of the emulsion polymerization was
initiator, and pol studied. The efects of concentration of polymerization rate Al ka li- so lu ble
emulsifier, ymerization temperature on (Rp)w erei nvestigatedin d etail. random copolymer P (MMA/EA/MAA/DAAM )was synthesized.T hes tructureo fth era ndomc opolymerw asst udiedb yIR . Fou r k in dso fc ore/shella crylatee mulsionsw erep reparedb y emulsion polymerization of acrylate or acrylate and diacetone-acrylamide using alkali-soluble randomc opolymerP ( MMA/EA/MAA/DAAM)or P ( MMA/EA/MAA)as po lymeric surfactant.O ne-componentcr osslinkablec ore/shellac rylatee mulsionw as obtainedb y additiono fcr osslinkinga gent(A DH)to th ee mulsionsco ntainingk etoneg roups.The effect of crosslinking reaction on latex films was investigated by crosslinking degre and swelling degree.
Keywords:A lkali-solublera ndomc opolymer,Po lyacrylate,Em ulsionp olymerization,Core/shell structure, Crosslinking