Mr. Richard Zhang
Wacker Polymer Material (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Abstract: Modern ways to install ceramic tile is by so called thin-bed dry-mix tile adhesives.
In order to achieve the vital requirement for cementitious tile adhesive, a modification by
redispersible powder – powder form dispersion polymer is necessary. The new international
standard ISO13007(draft) or the EN12004 showing that without certain polymer binder inside,
the requirements can not be meet. Tests showing the up-to-date redispersible technology with
high pressure Vac/E copolymer, can outperform than the Vac/VeoVa copolymer, mainly on
heat stability and durability. By testing deformability with EN12002, showing flexibility of tile
adhesives highly rely on the dosage of polymer, and the low glass transition Vac/E copolymer
provide a high deformation ability also at low temperatures.
Introduction: Pre-packed polymer modified dry-mix mortars are widely used in the
modern building industry, e.g. as adhesives for fixing tiles and the installation of thermal
insulation materials, as tile grout mortars, mineral decorative finishes and stuccos, self-leveling
screeds and underlayments, waterproofing sealing slurries, repair mortars, jointing compounds,
key-coats, masonry adhesives etc. Due to the high diversification of modern building materials,
these mortars must meet various technical requirements like good adhesion on all kind of
substrates, high deformation ability (flexibility) and excellent durability even under extreme
climatic conditions all over the world.
Mr. Richard Zhang
Wacker Polymer Material (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Abstract: Modern ways to install ceramic tile is by so called thin-bed dry-mix tile adhesives.
In order to achieve the vital requirement for cementitious tile adhesive, a modification by
redispersible powder – powder form dispersion polymer is necessary. The new international
standard ISO13007(draft) or the EN12004 showing that without certain polymer binder inside,
the requirements can not be meet. Tests showing the up-to-date redispersible technology with
high pressure Vac/E copolymer, can outperform than the Vac/VeoVa copolymer, mainly on
heat stability and durability. By testing deformability with EN12002, showing flexibility of tile
adhesives highly rely on the dosage of polymer, and the low glass transition Vac/E copolymer
provide a high deformation ability also at low temperatures.
Introduction: Pre-packed polymer modified dry-mix mortars are widely used in the
modern building industry, e.g. as adhesives for fixing tiles and the installation of thermal
insulation materials, as tile grout mortars, mineral decorative finishes and stuccos, self-leveling
screeds and underlayments, waterproofing sealing slurries, repair mortars, jointing compounds,
key-coats, masonry adhesives etc. Due to the high diversification of modern building materials,
these mortars must meet various technical requirements like good adhesion on all kind of
substrates, high deformation ability (flexibility) and excellent durability even under extreme
climatic conditions all over the world.
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